- 針對問題:目前的作法是整合所有內容,因此不易區分問題與答案,建議逐一針對問題進行回應,以利讀者閱讀。可複製作者mail並回復於下方,以利切題,此為格式。
- I believe有要對方不要多言之意(換言之,不相信是對方的問題、有無奈之意),建議可改用 I thanks that….,並且解釋理由,因believe不需解釋理由,而think則可充分解釋理由。
- 可先提看法,再提理由。
- 充分表達看法和依據,並傾聽對方意見。
- 如同意對方意見,可直接使用I agree that…
- 對於意見須充分考慮而決定是否接受,如原本的作法明顯較佳則應拒絕或提出相關意見,以促使討論有效性,並維持品質。
- 拓展與篩選的原則,以充分周全表達優先,進一步可考慮如何精簡扼要。
- 感謝用語必要,但可寫於前頭,如本次使用many thanks for your assistance , commends and appreciation。
- 回答時,各段落間可適度使用空格分隔,以利閱讀之舒適以及使回復易讀。
- However, I think the word “test sample/question” (“測驗示範/題目” in Chinese) could be better here...
*此部分應該改用could,而非原本使用的would,原因為can/could有可能性的意涵,而will/would具時間性的意涵,而此段落應使用could,代表修改為sample/question 會比較好。 - which and that的應用:指示代名詞的應用部分,如對應主體為名詞者,可使用which或者通用次選項that,作為代名詞之用,然而需要注意which的使用,前須空格逗號,如 (“測驗題目” in Chinese)is similar to the four templates, which are shown in the assessment booklet.
*此外,如果遇到該寫上that的地方,盡量避免省略或不寫的狀況,以使文句完整。 - the,this and a的應用:如果代表特定的對象,則在該名詞前面需使用the,如 in the assessment booklet;而如果泛指通用對象,則可使用a,如the item in a subscale。在此部分應完整寫出該次量表的名稱,因此修改為 the item in two-dimensional construction subscale.
- The evaluator and the Occupational therapist rater:由於本信為與原作者溝通之用,因此應使用原作者設定的詞彙,或者與專業相關的術語,如原作者使用Occupational therapist rater描述施測者(相對翻譯者則使用evaluator),於此亦改用Occupational therapist rater作為描述之用。
- 用詞時態:本次修改的時態包含translated (過去翻譯已完成)、translates(website為單數主詞)、has (The Internet dictionary has that word為事實,因此使用現在時態)。
- 在說明反之的部分,已經舉出google翻譯也將contrariwise翻譯為反之的事實,故不需再提出其他網路字典也有這個字,以及建議改用其它英文字替代的建議,以使文字簡潔清楚。(提供一個明確的例子即可)
- 最終部分需下結論,描述到底最終是否修改此部分,因此追加上 Thus, I would like to keep the original Chinese translation.
Many thanks for your assistance, commends and appreciation.
My only comments relate to the section copied below (and
in the attached document) where I have coloured them green.
I assume that the best translation for the word
‘template’ is ‘test question’. Could the words ‘test sample to be copied’ be
used in this context?
I agree that the word “test sample to be copied” could be used in this
sentence. However, I think the word “test sample/question” (“測驗示範/題目” in Chinese) could be better here, because the word
“test sample” (“測驗示範” in Chinese) is close to the demonstration item
in this test, and the word “test question” (“測驗題目” in Chinese)is
similar to the four templates, which are shown in the assessment booklet. Another
similar word “test item” (“測驗項目”in Chinese),
which means the item in two-dimensional
construction subscale, and there are totally four test items
and one test sample here. The Occupational therapist
rater should repeat the “aforementioned step” in both demonstration
item and test items in two-dimensional construction subscale. Hence, I think that the word “test sample/question” here could
make this sentence clear and comprehensive.
And, the word ‘Contrariwise’ is not a word in English. It
could be deleted completely from this sentence.
I think that the translator translated my Chinese
phrase “反之”, which means “on the contrary” into the English
word “contrariwise”. I have discussed with the translator and we find that the
website “Google translate” also translates “反之” into “contrariwise.” Nevertheless, I think that such
conjunction is necessary to keep this sentence clear and easy to understand.
Thus, I would like to keep the original Chinese translation.